2014 – Finalist
February 23, 2023
“Ramez Tadros has brought innovative technology to Charlotte, which offers cyclists the opportunity to clean up trash from bike lanes.
“You attach it to your bike, and it will clean the bike lane as you ride,” Tadros told Channel 9. The portable bike-lane sweeper is a prototype getting tested around the country. The sweeper uses a solar-charged battery to push debris to the side, which clears lanes about as quickly as you can bike through them. People can get training on how the sweeper works at The Innovation Barn and try it themselves.”
February 21, 2023
“The Innovation Barn is continuing its mission of getting more residents to contribute to making the QC more sustainable. ‘The goal is to be zero waste. So, that is reusing, recycling, and designing with the end in mind to keep everything out of the landfill,” Aussieker said.”
February 20, 2023
“Over the course of Saturday afternoon, a few chairs, a spinning wheel, a purse, plenty of lamps and printers, and a few fans made their way into Charlotte’s Innovation Barn. Their owners hoped by the end of their session, they’d be able to put them to use once more.
It was the city’s first time hosting a Repair Café, which is an informal meeting dedicated to teaching communities how to fix their stuff.”
October 9, 2023
“Charlotte, North Carolina learned several years ago that 88 percent of its waste was going to landfill, which was filling up fast. That was among the impetuses of picking up the pace on a movement starting to ripple across some cities: a transition to a circular economy to keep stockpiling discards with value in use while creating local jobs. And from that aspiration the Innovation Barn was born, a living lab of sorts that serves as ground zero for this work.”
September 27, 2023
“Several years ago, Charlotte, North Carolina set out to become a U.S. leader in the circular economy, after a report found that 88 percent of the city’s 900,000 tons of annual waste ended up in landfills. If just 15 percent of that waste was recycled instead, the analysis found, Charlotte could generate $34 million in revenue and create nearly 500 jobs, in addition to the positive impact on tackling climate change. Enter The Innovation Barn, a joint project between the city and an organization called Envision Charlotte that is ground zero in Charlotte’s circular economy plan.”
July 14, 2023
“At the Innovation Barn east of Uptown Charlotte, zero waste is the motto. There’s a glass bottle pulverizer that turns bottles into sand for concrete and gardening. In another building, there’s a plastics lab that can recycle plastic food containers and other plastics that aren’t recycled in Mecklenburg County. Everything has a purpose at the Innovation Barn.”
June 30, 2023
“If you can keep stuff out of the landfill, you can turn it into innovations, which turns into jobs,” executive director Amy Aussieker said. “So when you tell city leaders you can take trash and make jobs, they’re like, ‘Oh, we’re in. Sign us up.'”
April 24, 2023
“If you want to understand sustainability or how you can make a difference, there is no other place you could go to other than here to learn about it and engage with other like-minded people,’ Innovation Barn, Envision Charlotte executive director Amy Aussieker tells me.”
March 29, 2023
“We are proud to work with Envision Charlotte and Bee Downtown to support biodiversity through this beehive project. We believe strongly in the importance of environmental education and the honey bee is one of nature’s best examples for how to live sustainably and produce zero waste,’ said Kathleen Price, sustainability risk executive at Ally.”
March 23, 2023
“Change Please deploys a “hand-up versus handout” recipe for disrupting the cycle of homelessness, which starts with employing unhoused individuals and giving on-the-job, expert barista training selling Change Please coffee for double the minimum wage.”
August 28, 2022
“For the past year, a nonprofit called Envision Charlotte has used the city-owned property as a kind of laboratory to experiment with an idea that’s taken hold in small ways around the world: a “circular economy,” which aims to recycle materials—including organic and industrial waste, plastics, and textiles—as thoroughly and often as possible.”
June 30, 2022
“Between creating a circular economy and energy monitoring and efficiency, Envision Charlotte has already helped the city of Charlotte and local companies save millions of dollars while also having a significant impact on carbon reduction.”
June 6, 2022
“The Innovation Barn processes waste that can’t be recycled (Styrofoam, food takeout containers) and makes products with them.”
June 6, 2022
“The Envision Charlotte Innovation Barn in East Charlotte is taking those unwanted signs and turning them into something useful.”
May 18, 2022
“Envision Charlotte is collecting [campaign] signs before they end up in Charlotte-Mecklenburg landfills.”
April 12, 2022
“Residents can volunteer individually or with a group to collect debris the week of Earth Day”
April 7, 2022
“We are so excited to partner with WEIMA to help us advance our circular economy goals!”
April 5, 2022
“Now that the shredder is installed, the stored containers are being shredded into reusable flakes much more efficiently.”
March 16, 2022
“County officials and recycling advocates are pushing for improvements, to solve not just our waste problem but also to fight climate change.”
February 25, 2022
“There was a vision, though. This was going to become a lab. It would be a place to dream up new ways to recycle. It would lay the foundation for a circular economy.”
September 19, 2021
“The idea behind the Innovation Barn is to create jobs while growing businesses that reuse waste materials.”
September 15, 2021
“Envision Charlotte has turned The Innovation Barn into a hub for Circular Charlotte, a joint project with the City of Charlotte to transition Charlotte to a circular economy.”
August 6, 2021
“It’s no secret: the Carolinas need help recycling. Only 9% of plastic material in the Queen City is properly recycled. That’s where the Innovation Barn comes in.”
June 25, 2021
“The facility is a partnership between the nonprofit and the city as part of the Circular Charlotte plan to produce zero waste. The 36,000-square-foot facility will house and showcase local businesses that produce zero waste.”
May 18, 2021
“Envision Charlotte is turning an old building from the 1940s into a place where regular people can go and recycle certain items, as well as experience recycling in brand new ways.”
April 22, 2021
“Those plastic containers are not recyclable in the traditional sense, so some local students teamed up with a Charlotte nonprofit and found a way to save the planet- and save money in the process.”
March 23, 2021
“Innovation Barn is the city’s first circular living lab, which aims to eliminate waste and continual use of resources. It’s part of a big initiative by the City of Charlotte to go zero waste.”
Feb 19, 2021
“Now is the perfect time for Envision Charlotte to participate in this program due to our strategy around Charlotte’s transition to the circular economy — plastics is one of the highest priorities”
Feb 16, 2021
“One interesting approach is called SmartC. It’s not just a new reusable bag (made from ethically sourced fibers), but an accompanying digital platform that transforms your reusable bag into a more precious object with a meaningful history.”
Feb 16, 2021
“It is exciting to see the potential of our efforts to reimagine the single-use bag in action as we unveil these innovative solutions”
July 15, 2020
“This is one of those things that you can have a direct impact on keeping things out of the landfill, understanding what can be recycled and can’t be recycled, and putting them into cool programs like this.”
July 14, 2020
“While the [nonprofit] can’t fix your Netflix addiction, it’s seeking to turn your love of Charlotte’s culinary scene into PPE for Charlotteans on the front lines of the coronavirus fight in hospitals and companies around the Queen City.”
June 3, 2020
“To help divert some of the plastic going to landfills, Envision Charlotte is collecting plastic food containers to melt down and reuse as PPE.”
May 28, 2020
“Envision Charlotte has been working on cutting down waste, and helping get personal protective equipment (PPE) to medical workers.”
May 27, 2020
“he country can’t seem to get enough PPE, or Personal Protective Equipment. In Charlotte, a new nonprofit group is throwing their ingenuity into face shield frames before they even get their building finished.”
April 28, 2020
“Today’s Wilson’s World homeschool lesson takes us out into the kitchen where we are learning how to compost.”
April 14, 2020
“Today on Wilson’s World Homeschool, learn fun things to do with kids that also help the environment and a few things to help you with your child’s homework.”
April 2, 2020
“Everyone is home….maybe you’re ordering more takeout than normal and that means more trash. Amy Aussieker…joined us via Zoom to talk about what we can do to reduce the waste in our homes.“
March 6, 2020
“Envision Charlotte partnered with Coca Cola Consolidated to launch “Project Litter Gitter” to help clean Charlotte waterways.”
February 28, 2020
“The hope is to not just collect the trash, but prevent it from getting there in the first place.”
February 26, 2020
“The program will create local green jobs while protecting the environment.”
September 28, 2019
“Envision Charlotte and the City of Charlotte have partnered with Sealed Air, Coca-Cola Consolidated and the Charlotte Area Transit System for Send Me on My Way, a campaign to educate residents and increase recycling rates.”
July 15, 2019
“Working in the sustainable space since 2010, its overarching goal is to bring stakeholders together to address the four environmental pillars of energy, air, water and waste.”
June 5, 2019
“Charlotte is vying to become the first city in the US to implement a new circular economy model that has been designed to turn waste into an US$111-million business opportunity.”
May 22, 2019
“Charlotte has made a bold commitment: be the first US city to adopt a circular economy striving towards zero waste and inclusivity. We will strive to use our resources that are now destined for the landfill as the basis for future innovation and job creation.”
May 2, 2019
“UNC Charlotte seniors demonstrated their architecture project, Sweet Little Brewhouse, turning a discarded building on the Innovation Barn site into a coffee shop. It serves as an example of what Envision Charlotte and the city hope to accomplish at the Innovation Barn.”
April 23, 2019
“Production of black soldier flies for use in feed production is one step in Charlotte’s city-wide plan to address waste and develop a circular economy.”
March 29, 2019
“There’s opportunities and resources for jobs and economic mobility all within our trash, which is kind of crazy.”
March 29, 2019
“Everything is going to be experiential. You’ll be able to walk into any part of the building to watch the soldier flies to see how the composing is going. It’s designed to be open to the public.”
November 1, 2018
“We see this as more than an environmental program,” says Victoria Johnson, director of Solid Waste Services for the City of Charlotte. “We believe this has the ability to brand the City of Charlotte as a place for innovation. We also see it as an opportunity to advance economic opportunity, entrepreneurship and generate revenue. These are all priorities for the project.”
October 30, 2018
“Envision Charlotte Executive Director Amy Aussieker added: “This initiative aligns perfectly with Envision Charlotte’s mission to create a more sustainable and efficient community… We are excited to create an Innovation Center where we can advance Circular Charlotte via communicating, impacting and empowering.”
October 26, 2018
“The innovation lab will be ‘ground zero for our circular economy,’ Envision Charlotte Executive Director Amy Aussieker told Waste Dive. “Entrepreneurs will be given space and materials and guidance to start their business and help it grow.”
October 22, 2018
“The city of Charlotte, N.C., announced its plan to launch Circular Charlotte, a new, regenerative economic model designed to produce zero waste and to generate hundreds of jobs and significant revenue.”
October 21, 2018
“The Circular Charlotte initiatives will help Charlotte address key issues impacting the entire city – economic and social mobility,” City Manager Marcus Jones said. “We fully expect Circular Charlotte, along with the work we do, to help us become the epicenter for people and cities to learn how to experiment, create and innovate.”
October 18, 2018
“City Manager Marcus Jones said the idea for the initiative came after a company called Metabolic did a study finding the city only diverts 11 percent of waste from landfills.”
October 18, 2018
“These are the kind of things a city that wants to be on the cutting edge needs to be working on,” [Council member Larken] Egleston said. “In terms of the environment and sustainability, we want places where people can have an idea and plant that seed and let it grow.”
February, 2018
Envision Charlotte is excited to host social entrepreneur, industrial ecologist and Metabolic CEO and founder, Eva Gladek, as she discusses a new paradigm for equitable sustainability, the circular economy. How can trash make money and create jobs? How can Charlotte design a new and equitable economic model that addresses citizens needs and creates mobility opportunities, all while creating a more sustainable environment? Drawing on her experience consulting with communities, utilities, industry and local governments around the world, Eva will discuss ways to waste less while creating new jobs and revenue streams, and empower more equitable urban transformation in Charlotte and around the world.
Click Read More to view the presentation from the event.
February, 2018
Click Read More to view the presentation from the event.
September, 2017
Following up on the first successful ECO Network Speaker Series event, Envision Charlotte hosted a panel discussion on air quality and climate action at the local level. A cross-sector panel of local and international experts discussed air quality and its effects on our community. The event, “Something in the Air: Improving Air Quality Through Community Partnerships”, integrated individual behavior change and engagement components alongside educational information and networking opportunities.
Click Read More to view the presentation from the event.
June, 2017
Envision Charlotte joins other American communities, corporations, institutions, local governments, non-profit organizations and philanthropies in affirming our resolve to move forward in building a sustainable future for generations to come.
May, 2017
Envision Charlotte’s Eco-Network Speakers Series Launches with “Global Engagement and Circular Economy” Lecture from Dutch Ambassador.
At a community-wide event in April, part of Envision Charlotte’s newly launched Eco-Network Speakers Series, His Excellency Henne Schuwer, Dutch Ambassador to the United States, discussed the circular economy as a lens through which to view fresh approaches to addressing pressing ecological and economic challenges.
Sep, 2016
North Carolina is one of the fastest growing states in the country. However, its success could be threatened by problems with its water supply.
Time Warner Cable News anchor Rob Boisvert takes a look at the issue in a five-part special series called Carolina’s Troubled Waters.
Apr, 2016
At Placemeter, we talk a lot about “smart cities”. Often, big projects in big cities come to mind.
Paris is redesigning plazas for pedestrians. Dubai is putting LED-powered internet in its street lights. Amsterdam, a pioneer in the field, is developing an all-encompassing master plan called Structural Vision Amsterdam 2040. Yokohama, Japan’s Smart City Project, is forecasting energy usage. And New York City, our hometown, is consistently at the leading edge with exciting projects like Link NYC and Vision Zero.
Jan, 2016
Charlotte, NC – The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has tapped Envision Charlotte as the model for a national smart cities initiative named Envision America that will launch in the Queen City in January, 2016.
Jan, 2016
TWC News anchor Rob Boisvert talks with Envision Charlotte director Amy Aussieker about the innovative ideas about smart cities and sustainability being presented at the Envision America workshop.
Jan, 2016
This week, Charlotte will host a three-day workshop for Envision America, an effort that will bring municipal leaders, smart technology experts and private sector allies from 10 major U.S. cities together. The goal? To kick start smart city initiatives across the country. And they’re coming here to Charlotte to learn from us.
Sep, 2015
The Obama administration has chosen Envision Charlotte as the model for the Envision America energy efficiently program,according to The Charlotte Observer. The city will host a boot camp on January 10 for selected cities.
Sep, 2015
Envision Charlotte is going national, with an assist from the White House.
The energy-efficiency program started here in 2011 with alliances among major companies and property owners uptown. Now the program is going to become a national model.
Sep, 2015
The energy-efficiency initiative Envision Charlotte will be emulated on a national scale, the White House said Monday.
Charlotte will host a boot camp in January for 10 other communities picked to take part in Envision America, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy said.
Sep, 2015
Welcome to the TerraGo Podcast Series. TerraGo recently released a new research paper titled, “Breakthrough Tech: Smartphone Apps Poised to Take Market Share from GPS Surveying Handsets.”
Jul, 2015
There’s been much discussion lately about the potential of “smart cities” and connecting data to help make communities more efficient, productive, sustainable and secure. But actual examples of smart city projects with documented results are sometimes difficult to find, at least in the U.S. For many cities, it’s a matter of cost.
May, 2015
After Jim Rogers moved to Charlotte, North Carolina in 2006 to become CEO of Duke Energy, it didn’t take long for him to see the importance of energy to the region.
Feb, 2015
Sustainability is something we hear a lot about and many of us try to make little changes to our daily habits, conserving resources and using energy in smart ways. And it turns out, cities are doing the same thing.
Oct, 2014
City of Charlotte Mayor Dan Clodfelter today proclaimed Charlotte as a “Smart City,” naming Envision Charlotte as a leading example data and technology program.
Aug, 2014
For the first time, more than half of the world’s population lives in towns and cities, demonstrating a trend of ever-expanding urban centers. As city populations grow, the demand for city services increases, particularly straining energy and water.
Jul, 2014
Why would the ability of machines talking to machines benefit cities? Well if the machines are talking about how to better use resources such as electricity and water, then it’s a conversation that city administrators want to hear.
Jun, 2014
While Charlotte, N.C., is perhaps best known as a financial center, with big institutions like Bank of America and Wells Fargo dominating the skyline, the area is also a major energy hub.
Nov, 2011
To maximize their effectiveness, color cases should be printed in color.Charlotte, North Carolina, was one of the leading economic centers in the south with a strong position as a headquarter city.
Sep, 2010
NEW YORK – Duke Energy, Cisco and Charlotte Center City Partners today announced the creation of Envision: Charlotte, a first-of-its-kind public-private collaboration to make commercial buildings in Charlotte’s urban core more energy efficient.
932 Seigle Ave.
Charlotte, NC 28205